Inspiring & Limitless
Custom Reporting

Stay more connected with your apprentices, and empower them to take newfound responsibility with the plethora of features available through TradeSchool’s Apprentice web services.
Custom report graphic


Automate your searches

Set up your reports to do a range of complex searches to automate every day tasks. Write scripts that you can re-use again and again to pull up a found set. Every report in TradeSchool comes with the native searching capabilities.
0# Find apprentices eligible to advance
2Perform Find
3Constrain Found Set
4Sort Records[With dialog: Off]
6Perform Script[Specified: From list ;
7“Preview” ; Parameter: “Landscape” ]
FileMaker report editor view
Get inspired with limitless layout design capabilities.


Utilize custom formulas for powerful reporting.

Dynamically create formulas and calculations that drive your charts & reports. As part of our maintenance and support contract, adding formulas like these is as easy as submitting a support request.
Custom formulas graphic
Charts & graphs


Create colorful charts & graphs on the fly.

Create scores of colorful charts and graphs on the fly, displaying and reporting data in professional, visually captivating ways. Like the custom formulas, simply send in a support request to get a chart or graph added to your report.


Export to any format.

Dynamically create formulas and calculations that drive your charts & reports. As part of our maintenance and support contract, adding formulas like these is as easy as submitting a support request.
Document export graphic